Now that you've created a Challenge, you have the option to further customize it for your organization.
To make changes, simply click one of the editable fields, make your edits, then click OK. You will be able to see a preview of the changes on screen. Be sure to click Save Changes to make them appear in the app for your members.
Challenge Name
This is the name of the Challenge. We recommend mentioning the theme of the Challenge in the name.
Challenge Pic
This is the small image for your challenge. We recommend choosing a square image of something recognizable, such as your ORganization's logo, or a logo of the initiative. (Social Media profile pics often work great here.)
Cover Photo
This is the background photo that appears as a backdrop to your Challenge in the app. We recommend colorful photography. We don't recommend including text within this image, as it can can compete with the challenge name and be hard to read.
This is a short overview for your Challenge. Let people know about your initiative. We recommend keeping this short. It's not necessary to include lots of details, like rules or dates, as they are included in other Info sections.
This is the Start and End date of the Challenge.
If you have a Team Challenge, a list of teams will appear here. You can edit the name, pic and headline for each team. We recommend using recognizable names, so it will be obvious which team your members should join, such as departments or locations.
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