Challenges & Scoring
- How do I join a Challenge?
- How are Challenges scored?
- Where can I see the Challenge Rules?
- Challenges Overview
- How do I join a Team in a Challenge?
- Can I switch teams in a Challenge?
- Our Challenge has started. Is it too late for me to Join?
- What is a timeout?
- Why do I have different points totals in different places in the app?
- How can I leave a Challenge?
- How do I earn points? Are there prizes or awards?
- Which Actions can I do to earn points for this Challenge?
- How can I Invite others to the Challenge?
- Our Challenge hasn't started but users already have points. What are they for?
- Can my team information - name, photo, headline - for the Challenge be edited?
- I've been using the app for a while. Will all the points I've earned be counted in the Challenge?
- How is our team score affected by inactive members?